Back-to-School Poems


I have my own school photo this year
and will send a headshot
to all our children and stepchildren
just as they send us - my wife and me -
school photos of grandchildren
every year in the fall.

Some grandparents create shrines,
but I have my own method
of displaying school photos.
I like to put them in a drawer
where they lie forgotten for years
until the day I find them -
usually while searching
for reading glasses or keys -
and so begins a journey
through years of pigtails and braces,
a tight-throated, stinging-eyed journey
through gains and losses now past,
each memory perfectly framed
in wallet-sized innocence.
My school photo
(a shy granddaughter's first day at school)
May she find a friend today -
may every lonely child find a friend -
and may the adults who surround her
remember that for those who feel deeply
minor setbacks are felt as body blows

and when she finds a friend
and they chase across the playground
with no thought of stumbling,
please guide her towards a soft spot
before she trips and falls.

I published these poems almost exactly one year ago today, in honor of the fact that a new school year was about to begin. It seemed worthwhile to publish them here again, for exactly that same reason. God Bless all the kids going back to school and all the adults who teach and care for them.

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Joseph Neely, all rights reserved

Come back for a new poem every Monday.

10 thoughts on “Back-to-School Poems

  1. It was great to see your poem. Every shy child goes through this and I hope they all find friends.
    Well done!! I hope to see more soon.


  2. On School Photos-This poem says so much— love these lines in particular:”a tight-throated, stinging-eyed journey
    through gains and losses of the past,”
    “God Bless the Child”- Is many a parent and grand-parent’s prayer.
    Thank you for sharing Joe!


  3. Thanks for two lovely poems to get the new school year started! I especially enjoy the lines in the first poem about tucking the photos away and stumbling upon them later when looking for reading glasses or keys. Great imagery!


  4. I love poem 1, having experienced discovering my own awkward pictures from long ago stashed with the daughter’s and granddaughters’ memories.
    Poem 2 hit home for me today as I helped in a classroom that will be the home of some children new to our school. The hesitancy during “icebreakers” and recess was so tender, but I know they’ll find their tribes.


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